How do I become a freemason

The absolute requirements for becoming a Mason in Washington State are:

  • Be at least eighteen years of age.
  • Have the senses of a man, especially those of Hearing, Seeing and Feeling.
  • Be a believer in a Supreme Being.
  • Be capable of Reading and Writing, and
  • Possess no disability in his body that would render him incapable of conforming reasonably with what the Degrees respectively require of him.

Masonic Lodges receive only men who exhibit high moral standards and who are of good report within their community. Our objective is to attract such men and to help them improve themselves by applying the pure principles of Masonry. Any man who wishes to become a Mason, should contact a Mason, let him know of your interest and ask how you can become a Mason.

You also can contact Richard Decima, Secretary of Lynden International Lodge at (360) 392-0145 with any questions or comments..

If you live in Washington State and you don’t know any Masons in your area, please send a message or contact Richard Decima, Secretary of Lynden International Lodge at (360) 392-0145 with any questions or comments. He will be happy to send you a petition for the degrees of Masonry, for affiliation with a masonic lodge, or to answer questions about Masonry.

If you don’t live in Washington State, you should contact your State Grand Lodge because each State Grand Lodge Jurisdiction sets it’s own minimum qualifications. 

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